Monday, December 11, 2006

Wie Gehts?

Don't worry, you are not hallucinating. That is Tina, Alison and Alison's little girl, Sydney (20 months old). This past week I (Tracy) got to visit Denver, Colorado, for educational courses. I knew my long lost friends from Heidelberg High School were living around the area so I quickly made plans so we could meet up after 9 years!! We were all such close friends while we lived overseas in Germany. Growing up all over the US and overseas I can honestly say that God blessed me with such incredible friends for the 3 years I lived in Heidelberg. I know that some of you have grown up in the same house your whole life and still see your friends weekly that you knew from Kindergarden. As Military Brats we were taught to make close friends and cut the ties within 2 years or 3 years if you were lucky; then learn to make new ones all over again. I had vowed never to do that with my 5 close girlfriends. Our Sophomore year of high school ended sadly as 6 of us close friends went in 5 different directions. Courtney and Paige were twin sisters so that still had each other when they moved to Arizona. Alison headed to college in Kansas, I moved to Texas, Tina left for Colorado and Erin stayed in Heidelberg. It was a difficult transition in my life during the last two years of High School in Texas. To say it was traumatic does not do it justice. Yet as I moved into college I was blessed again with two lifetime friends, Jenny and Heather.
I can never forget the Heidelberg "Posse" and either can the rest of the women. The last time I got to visit with Tina and Alison was 9 years ago at Alison's wedding. I got to visit with Courtney and Erin 31/2 years ago at my wedding and with Paige 5 years ago in Phoenix . We are planning a reunion for next Spring. (If any of you women are reading this, you'd better mark off Memorial Day weekend!!) :)

On Thursday night Tina and I met up for a great dinner. Let me tell you--her humor hasn't died down a bit.....she made the waiter laugh so hard that he got pretty embarassed. I just howled and doubled-over in laughter. We stayed up until 12:30 in the morning catching up on each other's lives and reliving some of our more fonder memories. The next evening Alison and Sydney (her little girl) came and stayed with me in Denver. Wow.....Alison is an amazing mother and so laid-back. I forgot how calm and patient she was. By the way, Alison still chews Big Red gum. :) Her little girl, Sydney, is an absolute angel. I have never met a toddler that listens so well. She was a joy to be around and loves to cuddle. (My biological clock was loudly ticking!) We all got together on Saturday for lunch and visited Mr. and Mrs. Troy and Aunt Geanie. They are still the same sweet parents and Aunt Geanie hasn't aged at all.

I missed my good friends more than I had imagined. Their friendship and sisterhood will be forever. Our lives take different paths and we get married, have kids, change careers or whatever else. But how incredibley blessed I am to have such wonderful friends like Tina, Alison, Erin, Courtney and Paige who have loved me back throughout the years. Now I can't wait until Jesse meets them!

I hope that the Christmas Season brings you joy, peace and wonder! Our God is so amazing and creative that he would send his Son on Earth to experience human life. Born into a poor, humble life, Jesus even experienced a close friend like John the Baptist. He wept deeply when John the Baptist was beheaded. God knew that friendship was important and special. I feel that this season has brought me joy once again in the form of rekindled friendships!

May God bless you all this Christmas Season and into the New Year!! Our Christmas cards are on the way!



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